The Big ISDN Switch Off

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Your phone systems are going offline, forever.

In 2027 there will be an ISDN Digital switch-off. But why is this relevant to you?

Openreach announced in 2015 that they would stop taking new ISDN orders in 2020, with a view to switch off and deactivate its ISDN network completely in 2027.

This means that all copper services currently used for voice will stop working from this point – that’s ISDN, PSTN and Multi-line.

The copper will remain but just for data services like FTTC, which is fibre from the green cabinet and copper to your premises.

The telephone network in the UK has been in use since 1876 and has become old, worn and increasingly costly to maintain or to fix when things break.

It is being replaced with modern technology, fit for the digital world we now live in.

We offer a solution that will stop noisy or crackly lines, giving you the best experience.

The solution goes by the name of Hosted Telephony.

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Unlike ISDN, Hosted Telephony is here to stay.

This gives you a telephone system that’s hosted in the cloud, meaning you can use IP handsets, mobiles, or even a desktop application to make and receive calls.

It’s easy to set up.

As there are no physical cables to install and connect, all you need is an internet connection.

If you’re interested in moving from outdated tech to new, visit our Contact Us page and reach out to us.